Friday, January 30, 2009

Memory road

While looking at possible photographers for a Mens Fitness magazine shoot. I came across this photo of Norah Jones photographed by Judson Baker for Blender Magazine way back in 2002 or 03. I was the Associate Photo Editor at the time. And was only at the shoot for a second to deliver my Willy Nelson concert shirt. She loved it and ended up wearing it in the photo and keeping it after. Tonya Martin produced this shoot and this post is a reminder of that sometimes you have to laugh to get though the day..

Check out Judson's work here

Miko Lim photo of Kelly Kelly in Holiday issue of WWE Mag

Did this photo shoot with photographer Miko Lim way back in April 2008. It finally ran in the Holiday issue of WWE magazine.

Check out Miko's work here.

OBAMA Magazine!

Nov 4th was a great day last year and this year was the first time I watched the inauguration in sometime. In late Nov and early Dec I was hired to be a photo editor on a Barack Obama inauguration special magazine. I hadn't done a photo research project like this in long time, but I was up to the challenge. And by the time it was done I knew every place in the world to get images of Obama. Issue is on newsstands now..

Mens Fitness magazine

Freelancing for Men's Fitness magazine!!!I've been working with them since the end of Oct. And the Feb issue cover shoot was the first thing I did for them. Cover subject was Georges St-Pierre of the UFC. It was a great shoot and I got to work with Lisa Elin the DP of Mens Fitness and photographer Roger Erickson. We shot GSP on location at the Wat gym in NYC. Awesome place if you need a workout. Issue is on newsstands now..

Since then I've worked with a lot great photographers. Some I have in the past such as Bob Croslin, Tim Soter, Jason Tanka Blaney, Alphonse Telymonde, Roger Erickson, Zach Cordner. And Some new ones such as Brian Bowen Smith and Gorman+ Gorman.
As images come to print I'll be posting them on this blog.

in troubled times someone has to Freelance!!

I left WWE magazine in mid Oct. And since then I've entered the world of freelancing. So after years in the industry I'm trying my hand at full time freelance. This blog will serve to show what I'm doing,some examples of past work, new work and hopefully once I get in the swing of it anything that comes up that I want to share that has to do with me in photography and publishing industry.
if your looking for me for work or just want to say hi.
email me at


Past work examples 5

past work examples 4